
There's A Skunk In My Bunk!

This My Weird School book came out in June. It's my new favorite book in the series! As a kid, I never got to go to summer camp but I would hope that it is as crazy, unpredictable and fun as this book. 


Mrs. Marge Is In Charge!

This funny little book came out a few weeks ago. Mrs. Marge is in charge of the school clubs and after-school activities like the Toast Club, the Zombie Hunters Club, and Underwater Hockey. Do things get weird? My Magic 8 Ball says, "It is decidely so".



A Children's Book for Every State


To celebrate Read Across America Day on March 2, The Week Junior chose one middle grade book set in every state across the USA. Representing the great state of New York: our graphic novel, Dorks in New York!